Finding Hope for the Future

One of the hardest lessons we have to learn is that sometimes, no matter what we do, things don’t turn out the way we want them to. But there is a silver lining to this hard truth: while life isn’t perfect, we can use the tools we have to be happy and hopeful for the future.
Aiden came to GLAD House when he was 5 years old; he was shy, reserved, and had difficulty expressing his emotions through words and healthy outlets. He is 6 now, and has had a difficult year—for the last year he has been in the foster care system due to his parents’ addiction, and now he is officially being placed for adoption.
But despite his difficult home life, Aiden has made so much progress in his therapy and peer group sessions, and we couldn’t be prouder! Aiden has built himself a toolbox of coping skills that he uses to address the stressors in his life. Now he can’t wait for his weekly play therapy sessions, loves playing and doing group activities with his friends, and even had the confidence to perform a dance at the Talent Show!

Aiden's illustration for "Be the Change You Want to See in the World"
Aiden desperately wants a permanent home—when asked what change he would want to make in the world, Aiden said that he wanted for everyone to have a family. This month will be difficult for him—it will be the day of his last visit with his birth parents before being placed for adoption.
Aiden feels very apprehensive about this meeting, and he opened up about his feelings to his group leader, Ms. Cali. He told Ms. Cali that he feels very sad, but he is happy because he will get to meet with his GLAD House therapist Ms. Crys later today, and they will be able to talk about what he is feeling. Ms. Cali told Aiden that everybody at GLAD House is here to support him. Aiden said that he knows, and when he grows up he wants to be a group leader at GLAD House just like Ms. Cali!
Aiden, like so many of our kids, has a difficult road ahead of him. But we’re so happy that he is a part of GLAD House where he is receiving the support he needs. Aiden will face many obstacles in the future, but it will be with the full support of GLAD House behind him, and the knowledge that he has the power to build a brighter future for himself.